If you suspect you may have a blocked drain in your property, follow this process to identify the source of the issue and get it resolved.
- Check with your neighbours to see if they are experiencing similar issues.
- If they are, call the local water & sewage company. Our local company is Wessex Water – report the issue and they will attend and inspect the communal drains and clear any blockages.
- If there was a communal drain blockage, then once cleared this should resolve the issue in your home. If it does not, then there is a blockage within the property.
- Tenants are responsible for keeping the drains clear from blockages unless it is a structural issue which would then be the landlord’s responsibility.
- Call a local drain company and have them inspect and clear the blockage, they will provide a report as to what was causing the blockage to ascertain who is responsible for paying for the works.